Types of Smoke Detectors

Smoke detector

Many commercial space owners and homeowners in Singapore are installing smoke detectors these days. Installing the best smoke detector is an unavoidable need in your everyday life, particularly if you place a premium on clean and fresh air. In this instance, you should be aware of a variety of various sorts of equipment.

Most deadly fires occur at night, and most people die due to inhaling poisonous smoke. When a fire breaks out, people typically sleep, and the smoke may not wake them up until too late. As a result, it is critical to have functioning smoke alarms to warn families of the risk of a fire. Photoelectric, ionisation, and dual-sensor smoke alarms are the most common household smoke alarms.

Ionisation Smoke Detectors

Here is the list of the best available smoke detectors for your precious space.

Ionised particles are used to detect the presence of smoke in this sort of smoke detector. A small quantity of radioactive material is held between two electrically charged plates in each ionisation smoke detector. The interaction between these components causes the ionisation of the air. As a result, a current flows between the two plates.

The current in the detector is disturbed when smoke enters, and the alarm is activated. Flaming fires—fires with aggressive, open flames—operate better with ionisation smoke detectors. Other pets, such as smouldering, are not as effective with them. As a result, we have a different sort of smoke detector.

Photoelectric Smoke Detectors

Photoelectric smoke detectors use light to detect smoke. The photoelectric detector is the second most common form of the smoke detector. These detectors, unlike ionisation detectors, detect smoke using a light source and a light sensor.

Particles in the smoke obstruct the light beam and partly reflect light onto the sensors reaching the detecting chamber. As a result, the alarm is triggered. These detectors are better at early detection since many smouldering fires fill the room with harmful gasses and smoke before developing to the open-flame stage.

Dual Sensor smoke alarms

First alert dual-sensing smoke alarms offer optimum coverage using photoelectric and ionisation technologies. Individually installed photoelectric and ionisation smoke detectors provide only a limited level of protection against the various risks connected with undiscovered smoke.

What kind of smoke detector are you going to get? Ionisation, dual-sensing smoke alarms, and photoelectric smoke detectors are both effective. Both smoke detectors must pass the same test as UL smoke detectors. Photoelectric detectors react faster to smouldering flames than ionisation detectors to raging fires with fewer combustion particles. Steam or high humidity may cause condensation on the circuit board and sensor in any detector, causing the alarm to ring. 

Photoelectric detectors are more costly than ionisation detectors. Nonetheless, some users deactivate them on purpose since they are more likely to raise an alert from regular cooking due to their sensitivity to minute smoke particles. On the other hand, Ionization detectors have a level of security built-in that photoelectric sensors do not. Look for the best smoke detector installation company in Singapore to safeguard your lives and space.


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